The Ray of Creation


The Power of an Ancient Sound Code



The ancient wisdom behind Gurdjieff’s diagram has concealed the “Music of the Spheres”.  A powerful healing sound code, unlike anything you have heard before… A perfect tool to achieve balance between the body, soul and the Cosmos.



The sound structures I am here presenting to you should not be taken lightly. They have the power to align your body, emotions, sexuality, mind and soul, and put them in tune with Nature and the  Universe.  I make no claims for creating this healing Code. The credit belongs to great people from antiquity, much wiser than me. I only discovered the lost numerical key that once converted into vibrations, brings to life a powerful healing sound code you have never heard before.


In the early 20th century,  Gurdjieff introduced to his disciples an extraordinary diagram, “The Ray of Creation”, based on the descending C Major Natural Scale DO-SI-LA-SOL-FA-MI-RE. The Ray of Creation and the Natural Scale, Gurdjieff said, were fragments of an unknown teaching. An ancient knowledge illustrating the structure of the Cosmos and the Laws under which Creation was subject to. He also said that the whole Universe was in vibration and implied that the number of  Laws on each level of Creation was inversely proportionate to the intensity of these vibrations.


Since my youth I felt stricken by the simplicity and profound knowledge behind Gurdjieff’s diagram.  But as a musician and professor of Music History and Acoustics, I felt that not everything about this diagram had been said. That something was missing… In the way it was presented, the number of Laws in the diagram was disproportionate with the number of vibrations in the musical notes. I sensed that Gurdjieff’s diagram could be hiding a sound code. But I had to find the key…


It is said that Pythagoras could “hear” the Music of the Spheres and he was mesmerized by how numbers were hidden in Nature, particularly in sound. A vibrating string, he discovered, divides itself in 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5 and so on, producing harmonic sounds at 2, 3, 4, 5 times the original number of vibrations per second. The octaves were produced at fractions of 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 and so on. Some three hundred years later and three centuries before the Cristian Era Aristoxenus, a disciple of Aristotle, invented the C Major Natural Scale present in Gurdjieff’s diagram. The one used most in Occidental music.


It is my strong belief that the works by Pythagoras , Aristotle and Aristoxenus belong to that ancient School of knowledge Gurdjieff was referring to. My comparative studies between these ancient works and Gurdjieff’s Ray of Creation led me to the “key” I was looking for,  revealing the numeric sound code 7680, 3600, 620, 720, 315, 150 and 67.5. Converting these numbers into vibrations per second and real sound, has an astonishing result… the ancient “Sound of the Spheres”.


The sound of The Ray of Creation has a powerful healing  effect on Man, as attested by so many people that  have listened to it.  This ancient sacred chord vibrates like the backbone of the Cosmos, a Universe in perfect alignment with its own design, blessed by the Will of God and by Life on Earth. We humans on the other hand, miniature copies of this Universe, are mostly in disarray, “out of tune”. Our SOL may not vibrate at 720 but lower at 695, or our MI at 138 instead of 150 or an entire octave below…  The Ray of Creation has the healing power to raise our inner pitch and bring it back “in tune” with the archetypical, harmonious scale of Nature and the Cosmos.





If you are a seeker of meditational or relaxing music, the Rays may seem too intense at first. They are actually not “music”, but sounds at a very high vibration. They may feel like a concentrated beam of light penetrating your body, from the head down. The Ray of the Sun in particular, which aligns our emotions, is very luminous. The after-effect however, is very relaxing, wholesome and invigorating.


I strongly advise not to listen to the Rays during pregnancy, under the influence, or in cases of epilepsy and extreme bipolarity. More appropriate in these cases is the relaxing and meditational Natural Scale of Realization, Track 7 or 9.


You may listen to these sounds at any time  during the day, as long as you have a private relaxing moment, or during meditation. You may also choose bed time, in which case you may fall asleep while the sounds work at deeper layers of subconsciousness.


I recommend to use headphones at slightly high volume for Tracks 1 through 6, low volume for Track 7. You may also let these sounds resonate at very low volume in your stereo, to harmonize your home.


Track 1. The Ray of Creation is the most fundamental one. Each of its seven sounds  have a precise number of vibrations to harmonize the seven sections of your body with their psychic functions, aligning them with Nature and the Cosmos. If you have the time, I recommend the full 24 minute version in Volume II, Track 9.


Tracks 2 through 6. Will reinforce the effect of Track 1, working in a particular section of your body, as described in the title. You may choose to listen to one of these Rays repeatedly, according to your needs.


Track 7. The Natural Scale of Realization is based on the C Major Natural Scale in its ascendent mode. The 7 sounds appear one by one in the exact pitch and sequence as they appear in Nature according with Pythagoras’ Law of Harmonics. This Code is embedded in everything that grows. It will bring a sense of rebirth into your body, mind and emotions.  It has a relaxing, peaceful and comforting effect, like the coming of a new dawn.




Tracks  8, 9 and 10.  Features The Ray of Creation and The Natural Scale of Realization in their full 24 minute version. Whenever you have the time, these are the versions I recommend, the ones  bringing the most results.




These two volumes contain a unified body of work which I strongly advise to obtain in its totality. However, if you are unable or unwilling to do so, I will recommend the following selections:


a) The Ray of Creation, Track 1 or better yet its full 24 minute version on Track 8.


b) The Ray of the Sun , Track 4 or its full 24 minute version on Track 9


c) The Natural Scale of Realization, Track 7 or its full 24 minute version on Track 10.


My blessings,


Armando Martier

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